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"42 - Burton's"

Burton's in Downtown Manchester, 2/22/1954 photo by Ken Burkamp.

Following are comments received from those who responded.         If you would like to add more comments, please click here .

• Brent Balmer writes:

The Mystery Photo of Burton's on Main Street (1954) has unleashed a flood of fond memories. My maternal aunt, Mary Suhie, was manager of Burton's (later renamed Worth's) throughout the 1960's.

Mary, known locally as "Mae", was ridiculously well known throughout Manchester and beyond. Our family stories include numerous mentions of Mae Suhie being recognized throughout central Connecticut and, fact, by American tourists during her one trip to Ireland. Her published recipe for "Hang Yen Bang" cookies was a local standout in the Manchester Evening Herald cookbook published in the early '70's.

Also, another maternal aunt, Gladys Wolfram (my mother Bertha was one of the 5 "McNeill girls") worked the front Handbags and Gloves counter for many years. Her co-worker Jennie (sorry, last name forgotten) was famous for her beehive hairdo displaying seasonal decorations (her Christmas Nativity "do" was worthy of the B-52s!). Mae became the manager of the second Worth's store when it opened in the "new" (recently demolished) second wing of the Manchester Parkade in the early 1970's.

Mae and her husband Michael (passed 1958) had 2 children: Richard, a town firefighter and co-owner of Yankee Aluminum on Main Street; and Nancy, an executive of Manchester Memorial Hospital for many years.

Thank you for this pictorial series of Old Manchester. Memories have power.

P.S. Marsha Gunther used to babysit me.

Webmaster's Note: Marsha Gunther was the subject of an episode that was produced for showing on Silk City Television, which you can access by clicking the "Silk City Television: Manchester Historical Society Videos on Demand" item on the Related Sites page. It's titled "Schooldays Chat" and is #565.